Message from the board
This year, as we all experienced so many significant changes, I was proud to be a part of the CCC Board of Directors and witness the impact this organization can have on so many lives. More than ever before, CCC was the resource our community could trust, an anchor point we could all rely on.
With a team of skilled staff, the needed technology, and support from generous donors and community partners, we were able to quickly adapt to providing counselling services over the phone and online. CCC faced the challenges presented to them with unshakeable dedication to ensure clients received the help they needed.
The dedication of our Board members was made evident through their quick responses and increased support.
CCC’s courageous leadership allowed us to see beyond the chaos, rather than be blinded by it and navigate through the turbulence with clear direction, agility, and empathy. CCC didn’t focus on survival; our sight was always on the well-being of our clients.
I want to extend my gratitude to all of the donors that stepped up this year to ensure CCC could make the transition to remote services. Our community recognized the urgent need for mental health support and answered the call with overwhelming generosity.
— Jocelyne Daw

Message from the CEO
2020 challenged and tested us in ways we never imagined before. As disruption replaced normality, Calgarians found themselves more vulnerable, scared, and confused. But as uncertainty fueled fear and created anxiety, they knew they could turn to CCC for help.
The effects and life-changes of COVID-19 have impacted and continue to impact all of us. We may not be able to shield our community from the effects of the pandemic, but Calgary Counselling Centre has and will continue to support Calgarians through this and any other challenges that life may bring us.
I’m incredibly proud of the dedication and commitment of our staff, who worked tirelessly to ensure our clients received the help they needed. The support of our Board and the generosity of our donors was paramount in our ability to serve more clients than ever before without interruptions to our services and without a wait list or financial barriers.
In 2020, CCC received 11,834 requests for counselling and provided 44,752 hours of counselling – more than ever before. This increase tells us two things; that the events of this past year have taken a toll on people and that we are the trusted place that they turn to when they need help.
Our ability to quickly adapt to virtual counselling and continue to provide uninterrupted service to our clients was a testament to our staff’s commitment. I am delighted by the fact that our clients achieved breakthrough results. The efficacy of virtual counselling had not been tested, so it was incredibly rewarding to see that all clients, including groups such as seniors and those whose first language is not English, experienced better results than ever before.
With the wholehearted support of our community, our board members, donors and amazing staff we were able to respond to the needs of all who reached out for service. I’m thrilled that so many Calgarians reached out for help and I encourage those who may need it to do the same. We’re all facing unprecedented challenges but through counselling we can learn the skills needed to face them. Calgary Counselling Centre can be counted on to be here for our community providing the highest standard of counselling with no wait list and no financial barriers.
— Dr. Robbie Babins-Wagner