Since 1996, Calgary Counselling Centre’s focus on research has led to outstanding positive results for our clients. 2021 marked the 19th year of CCC’s commitment to outcome-based care, supported by our practice-based research. As a result, research findings generated from CCC have led to world-leading innovations in the application of Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) and unparalleled improvement in outcomes for clients.
Research in 2021 was dedicated to building insights that improve counselling and the Centre’s agility in response to uncertain times brought about by Covid-19. To help lead these efforts, we enlisted a new Research Officer, Derek Caperton, Ph.D. Dr. Caperton brings advanced counselling research skills grounded in his own experience as a clinician. Dr. Caperton’s initial efforts have focused on upgrading data analysis and reporting processes so that CCC leadership can more quickly react to and anticipate changes in client needs.
Some of our 2021 Research highlights are:
- In collaboration with PolicyWise and Dr. Bruce Wampold, we submitted a paper for peer review that determined CCC’s online counselling practices to be equally effective as in-person counselling.
- We initiated a study comparing clinical supervision approaches in collaboration with Dr. Michael Ellis, and Dr. Bruce Wampold. The study results will help inform the best possible clinical training and improve client outcomes at CCC.
- Practicum students (8) and volunteers (6) contributed to Research operations. Students and volunteers helped in completing research tasks, presented their research at Centre luncheons, and gained real-world experience in practical data science.

2021 Publications
Krause, K. R., Chung, S., Adewuya, A., Albano, AM, Babins-Wagner, R., Birkinshaw, Wolpert, M., (2021). International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, The Lancet Psychiatry, 8 (1), 76-86.
2021 Presentations and Conference Papers
Babins-Wagner, R., Laughton, A; Bender., A. (2021). The effect of a rapid transition to online delivery of counselling services. Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Heidelberg, GR. (Online), June 23-26.
Babins-Wagner, R., Bender, A., Laughton, A. (2021). Exploring counselling outcomes in depression with vulnerable populations. Panel Presentation. Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Heidelberg, DE. (Online), June 23-26.
Babins-Wagner, R. (2021). Novel Understandings of the Working Alliance and Ruptures in Psychotherapy. Discussant. Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Heidelberg, DE. (Online), June 23-26.
Swift, J.K., Penix, E., Babins-Wagner, R., Bender, A.M. (2021). Therapist Differences in Alliance Ruptures and Repairs with Clients. Society for Psychotherapy Research Conference, Heidelberg, DE. (Online), June 23-26.
Bender, A.M., Babins-Wagner, R., Laughton, A. (2021). Associations between depression and guidelines met for physical activity and sufficient sleep in an international sample. SLEEP, 44, Abstract Supplement 761, p. A296.
Babins-Wagner, R., Laughton, A., Bender, A. (2021). The effect of a rapid transition to online delivery of counselling services. The Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). Toronto, CA. (Online). May 20, 2021.
Babins-Wagner, R., Bender, A. Laughton, A. (2021). The effect of a rapid transition to online delivery of counselling services. 34th Annual Sebastian K. Littmann Research Day, Mathison Centre, University of Calgary. Calgary, Alberta. Friday March 5, 2021. Via Zoom
Babins-Wagner, R. Advancing Practice Through Virtual Care during COVID. Panel: Advancing Social Work Practice. Social Work Research Symposium. University of Calgary. March 3, 2021. Online
De Villiers, S. (2021). Not Alone: Group therapy as an effective community-based treatment approach for men who have experienced intimate partner abuse. CDVC Bridging Communities Mini-Conference (Online) Nov 16, 2021.
De Villiers, S. (2021) Men’s Experiences of Family Violence: What We’ve Learned (So Far). Diverse Voices Conference, Edmonton, AB. (Online), Nov 18, 2021.
Education & Training
Learn about the largest non-university training facility of its kind in Western Canada.
In a year of unpredictability, we knew we needed to be a solid support and resource for our community.
Meeting demand, safeguarding the well-being of our own workforce, and maintaining our quality of care.