We push boundaries, we strive for excellence, and we get results. Our focus and commitment is to our clients and their well-being. The year of 2013 brought challenges that we as a community and as an organization, rose above. The strength and resiliency our community displayed is something we will carry with us as we move forward.

Our industry-leading treatments combined with our dedication to education and training has propelled the success we see in our clients at the Centre.

Our counselling

For over 20 years we've conducted research and collected evidence, which has provided us with a deep understanding of mental health issues and the most effective ways to treat them. It is our client focus that drives our pursuit to excellence in all areas of counselling and our commitment to provide the best treatments and results accessible to all. We ensure access to our services by offering a sliding-fee-scale and no wait list, accommodating clients by opening in evenings and Saturdays, and offering translators for language barriers.

Counselling is offered to individual, couples, families and in group settings working in conjunction with our Feedback Informed Treatment model to obtain the highest client results. The results our clients receive continually exceed the industry standard, and 2013 was a prime example. In such a trying year, we saw a 14 per cent increase for service requests following the flood; the community reached to our Centre as their preferred mental health specialists, a testimony of the outstanding services we provide.

Our practice

Research is what drives our treatment. It grounds us, it informs us, and it propels us. Feedback Informed Treatment is the foundation for our success. Clients provide feedback before and after every session to inform our counsellors on the progress of their counselling journey. This cutting-edge process has allowed us to increase our client's overall well-being by 13 per cent since 2006. The strength we see in our clients, gives us courage to continue to grow and develop our treatment process and to push beyond industry norms.

Our staff

The highly trained, professional, and dedicated staff are at the core of what Calgary Counselling Centre stands for. Our team of experts includes practitioners, students: psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and pastoral counsellors. The Centre's counselling professionals guide clients in all areas of counselling, and with a focus in five main areas: depression, children and youth, relationships, domestic abuse and eating disorders. Our team is the driving force to continue to provide the best counselling services possible and achieves the highest results for our clients.

I thought the routine of the feedback was really powerful. Each time I attended, I knew what to look for, and was more conscious of the areas in my life that I needed to nurture and attend to (work, relationships, and interpersonal)."

– Katherine, Client

I get to work with a diverse population of clients. Most agencies focus on specific populations, whereas ours likes to focus on the fact of being so open and accepting of people from all walks of life."

– Amy Banga, Counselling Resident

Suite 200, 940 - 6 Ave. S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3T1 T:403.265.4980 F:403.265.8886
Alberta Society #50003951 Charitable Registration # 10809 1950 RR0001