Financial Summary

REVENUE 2012 2011
Fees for Services
Counselling $1,780,797 $1,705,621
Workshops and conferences 163,488 7,115
Fundraising revenue
Donations 251,130 287,043
Annual campaign 48,492 60,100
United Way of Calgary and Area donor choice 31,795 22,371
Other 20,493 34,892
Special events 6,066 87,185
Membership fees 535 490
Grants 1,800,548 1,451,737
Amortization of deferred contributions related to property/equipment 111,034 99,167
  $4,214,378 $3,755,721
EXPENSES 2012 2011
Salaries and benefits $2,195,443 $2,047,995
Consultant fees 580,957 250,013
Bursary and residency payments 435,699 455,043
Occupancy consts 329,142 279,136
General and administrative 205,646 223,565
Amortization 160,837 117,220
Bad debts 78,370 10,824
Contract employees 40,755 43,488
Advertising and promotion 36,827 54,675
Printing 36,758 18,917
GST expense 29,311 19,995
Bank charges 24,753 25,462
Audit fees 21,000 19,000
Equipment lease and maintenance 17,652 23,189
Special program 3,048 -
Workshops and conferences 2,031 844
Fundraising 1,459 4,309
Legal and other professional 1,189 2,034
  $4,200,877 $3,595,709
Excess of revenue over expenses $13,501 $160,012